Permit Information

The Community Development Department is there to help you get the permit that you need, whether it is a simple project that can be approved over the counter or a project that requires public hearings before the Hearing Examiner. In any case, the Community Development Department will assist you in proper permitting for your project.

Ministerial- These projects are allowed outright by the underlying zoning district and are of such a scale and character that they do not require public notice or hearings. These projects are subject to clear and objective standards and may require professional technical judgment. Ministerial permits include construction permits (building, mechanical, and plumbing), civil plan review, boundary line adjustments, home occupations, final land divisions, and sign permits.

Administrative- These are projects allowed outright by the underlying zoning district but are of such a scale and character that they may cause impacts to the surrounding neighborhood or to city services that may require mitigation.  Administrative projects require public notice, but do not require an open record pre-decision hearing. These projects are subject to objective and subjective standards which may require discretion about non technical issues and about which there may be limited public interest. Examples of Administrative permits include site plan review approval and short subdivisions.

Quasi-Judicial- Projects that are of such a scale and character that they may be incompatible with the surrounding neighborhood or to city services that may not be able to be fully mitigated.  Quasi-judicial permits require public notice and an open record pre-decision hearing and which allow for a closed record appeal. These projects require substantial discretion and about which there may be broad public interest. Some quasi-judicial permits are subdivisions, special uses, binding site plans, and variances.

State Environmental Policy Act- The City is required to issue a threshold determination (whether a project has no significant impact on the environment or requires further review through the preparation of an environmental impact statement) for certain developments, including commercial structures 4,000 square feet in area or with more than 20 parking spaces.

Civil Plan Review- Whenever there are improvements to property, such as the construction of a parking lot, or when public utilities are extended to serve a project, civil engineering plans prepared by an engineer licensed in the State of Washington are required.  These plans are reviewed by the City for consistency with City standards and constructability. Civil Plan review generally takes place after a land use approval.  The Yelm Development Guidelines contain application requirements and standard details for all infrastructure requirements.

Construction Permits- Building plan review, permitting and inspections are based on the most recent edition of the International Building Code, International Residential Code, International Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, and International Fire Code, as amended by Washington State.  The City also enforces the 2001 Washington State Energy Code.

Electrical Permits and Inspections- are regulated by the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries.