Eviction Rent Assistance Program (ERAP)

The Eviction Rent Assistance Program (ERAP) is intended to prevent evictions by paying past due, current, due and future rent, targeting limited resources to those with the greatest needs while working to distribute the funds equitably.

The goals of the program are:

  • Prevent evictions
  • Target limited resources to people most likely to become homeless after eviction
  • Target limited resources to people most likely to suffer severe health consequences as a result of the eviction
  • Promote equity in who is served, with a focus on equity for groups of people who historically have not been provided equitable access to rent assistance and those who have disproportionately been impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak: Latinx or Hispanic, young adults, Black or African American, American Indian and Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander.


Households must meet two initial screening criteria:

  • Current Income (over last 60 days) at or below 50% of Area Median Income
  • At least one month of rent not paid or partially unpaid since March 1, 2020

Households must also meet at least one of the following additional criteria (any member of the household):

  • 50% or more of current monthly income is needed to pay rent
  • Previously homeless within last five years (this includes experiences of couch surfing/double up)
  • Eviction history within last seven years
  • Housing disrupted due to household member race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, or religion
  • At risk of severe illness (62 or older, underlying condition)
  • Disability of any household member. (Includes a physical, developmental, mental, or emotional impairment, including impairment caused by alcohol or drug abuse, PTSD, brain injury, HIV/AIDS)

If head of household is 18 – 24 years old, additional criteria can be used to determine eligibility:

  • Pregnant or parenting
  • Recipient (current or past) from any one of the following: foster care, adoption, mental health, drug or alcohol treatment, court systems

United States citizenship is NOT an eligibility requirement of this program.

Documentation Questions for each Household:

  • Number of people in the household
  • Income from the last 60 days
  • Address
  • Rent amount / lease agreement
  • Amount of rent owed (past, current, or future)
  • Information pertaining to screen criteria (above)
  • Landlord or Friend/Family Payment Agreement Form
  • Landlord signature on HIE Form
  • W9 from landlord or friend/family

Partner Organizations: 

  • Community Youth Services
  • More to come soon!

Contact information:
Call: (360) 438-1100  Press 8 for Housing / Press 7 for ERAP
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